Not only makes it difficult to chew food and talk, toothless teeth can also lower your self-confidence. Therefore, performing the procedure for installing dentures can be a solution to restore your beautiful smile.

What are dentures?

Dentures are removable dentures to replace missing teeth . This type of denture is also commonly called a removable denture.

This procedure is a way of straightening teeth so that they are made very similar to natural teeth so that they are in more or less the same condition as before.

Not only aesthetic problems, dentures also serve to restore your ability to chew or speak normally.

Removable dentures are generally recommended over permanent dentures, such as dental bridges or dental implants.

This is because the price is much cheaper and the installation procedure is also relatively faster.

Types of removable dentures

Missing or missing teeth can be caused by many things, including gum disease (periodontitis), injury or trauma to the oral cavity, to aging.

Whatever the cause, toothless teeth must be replaced with dentures. Dentures will replace the function of natural teeth. This will also prevent the old-looking appearance from missing teeth.

According to the type, removable dentures are divided into two, namely complete and partial dentures.

  1. Complete dentures

Complete dentures are dentures to replace all the missing teeth, whether it is the upper teeth, lower teeth, or both.

This type of denture is usually more widely used to treat missing teeth in the elderly.

  1. Partial dentures

Partial dentures are dentures to replace and fill gaps in one or more missing teeth.

This type of denture generally uses plastic, nylon, or metal plates that are attached to the remaining natural teeth.

Preparation before installing dentures

Before installing dentures, consult an oral surgeon. The doctor will examine the condition of the gums and the bones that support the teeth to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

This examination will involve dental x-rays, panoramic films, or a CT scan. In addition to this procedure, the doctor will also ask for your thorough medical history.

Don’t forget to tell your doctor if you have a history of certain diseases or are taking any kind of medication regularly.

If problems are found in the bones that support the teeth, the doctor will first perform oral surgery. This is to repair and prevent denture problems later.

In other cases, you may have to undergo a tooth extraction procedure before placing your dentures, especially if your teeth are no longer in perfect condition.

If the condition of the teeth and mouth in the area around the installation site is in good condition, you can only undergo the procedure for installing dentures.