Proteins are very good for a healthy lifestyle. They must be included in your meals, but do not overeat them. As much as proteins are healthy, excess protein is not healthy. To have a better understanding of protein-based diet, here are the various advantages and disadvantages:

A protein-based diet helps you to build much stronger muscles: you need strong muscles if you desire to live a healthy life. Going to work, looking after yourself, taking care of others, following your passion, enjoying life the way you want it all requires energy. With enough proteins in your food, you are good to go.

A protein-based diet helps you to burn calories
Proteins are one of the best foods you can include in your weight loss program. This is because your body takes longer to break down proteins and such process requires energy. However, proteins are not meant to be solely relied upon for weight loss. You can read about fitness options to know which other activities you can add to your protein diet for better results.

A protein-based diet is more filling
Proteins help to make your food more filling. If you are the type that loves to eat once and for all, then protein is your go-to. You can take it as a main dish or snack on it. You can visit protein and diet stores to get the ingredients you need for our protein-based diet.

The cons of a protein-based diet are as follows:

A protein-based diet has no fibre
To successfully carry out its activities, the body needs a lot of fibre. A high protein-based diet does not include much fibre in the quantities the body needs. Lack of fibre in foods can cause constipation.

A protein-based fibre causes nutritional deficiency
If you make proteins the focal point of all your foods, you are robbing yourself of enjoying the benefits of other nutrients. As much as you should include proteins in your diet, you should make your diet cover a wide range of foods so that you can enjoy different varieties of nutrients.

A protein-based diet can lead to heart and kidney diseases
Too many proteins can lead to a deterioration in your heart and kidney health. Some protein foods contain high saturated fats that can impede some important organs in your body.

A protein-based diet causes calcium loss
Calcium is a vital nutrient that your body needs for proper functioning. Eating too many foods heavy in protein can lead to loss of this vital nutrient.

A protein-based diet leads to dehydration
Protein contains nitrogen which flushes out toxins and water out of the body. As such, you are prone to dehydration.

A protein-based diet can lead to an increased cancer risk
Eating red-meat based protein contains fats that increase risks of cancer.

To get the best out of your foods, do not limit your diet to proteinous foods alone. Eat carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, while making protein a major part of the diet. A balanced diet will ensure that you are not deficient in any aspect as regards nutrition as well as ensure that your body functions at the highest level.